We are living in unprecedented times. We're here to help you navigate the new normal. 

'5 in 5' newsleter 

We've created '5 in 5' to help you navigate this new normal. In each edition, we explore a prominent theme arising from the in-house community and provide you with tips and suggestions on each, backed by research and input from the profession. Time is precious, so we've made sure that each edition can be read in less than five minutes. Five ideas in five minutes – simple.

5 in 5: Edition #1 – Communication

Communication is one of the most important skills which a lawyer can master, but how can you ensure that your communication remains effective whilst done over the phone or via VC? Many of the suggestions we offer here may seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that sometimes, it’s the basics which can have the biggest impact.

Your pin-board of specially curated resources and insights

We have collated and curated resources from across the internet to help you meet the challenges of today, and the future. Click on the heading below to find links to useful articles and reading, book recommendations and more. 

Resilience in the face of change


  • Developing Mental Toughness: Coaching Strategies to Improve Performance, Resilience and Wellbeing 
  • Developing Mental Toughness: Improving Performance Wellbeing and Positive Behaviour in Others

Mental toughness is about how effectively individuals respond to stress, pressure and challenge. Both books are written by P. Clough and D. Strycharczyk. 

Both books provide practical guidance on delivering techniques which will improve people's abilities to develop mental toughness. 

  • Resilient: 12 Tools for transforming everyday experiences into lasting happiness

By R. Hanson

This book contains a blend of neuroscience, positive psychology and contemplative practices. It covers 12 practical, highly effective tools to help you build your resilience.


– The road to resilience infographic by Emerald works >


– Top Tips for Tackling Employee Burnout – by Emerald works >
– 5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work.  Rich Fernandez HBR >
– Emotional Resilience: How To Boost It With 10 Research-Backed Secrets >
– 10 Core Beliefs of Extraordinarily Resilient People >



Being Well Podcast: Introducing Resilience – Dr Rick Hanson > 
David Neagal, The Successful Mind Podcast Series >
How to Build Personal Resilience: Audio Interview - Psychologist Dr John Nicholson >


Ted Talks

The three secrets of resilient people with Lucy Hone >

In this powerful and courageous talk, she shares the three strategies that got her through an unimaginable tragedy - and offers a profound insight on human suffering. She outlines three of her go-to strategies recommended to improve your resilience during difficult periods.

Resilience, The Up Side of Down with David Donaldson > 

Using a seven resilience muscles model David explores some of the latest neuroscience research and uncover surprising facts about resilience. He takes a simplified look at how our complex brain works, define the roles of the Neocortex and the Amygdala, including Amygdala Hijack, and strategies to prevent Amygdala Hijack.

All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes by Andy Puddicombe >

This introduction to the benefits of mindfulness is great for beginners and frequent meditators alike. If you're familiar with the meditation app Headspace, you'll recognize Andy Puddicombe's voice right away. 

The Habits of Happiness by Matthieu Ricard >

This TED Talk from the Buddhist monk who is sometimes called "the happiest man in the world" is more relevant than ever. Matthieu Ricard challenges us to reframe our understanding of happiness.


Additional resources

WorkLife with Adam Grant: When work takes over your life >

To learn about setting boundaries, Adam Grant talks with entrepreneur Arianna Huffington, leaders who have taken bold steps to ban emails at odd hours in their workplaces, and an FBI hostage negotiator who has advice on saying no. 

Ted: Susan David: How to be your best self in times of crisis >

Susan David shares wisdom on how to build resilience, courage and joy in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Business Insider: 4 astronauts reveal their secrets to surviving months of isolation with other people >

Business Insider has curated some tips from NASA's and other space agencies' finest.

The Washington Post: 5 ways to deal with coronavirus induced anxiety >

Washington Time's Reporter, Nicole Ellis, speak with a mental health experts on ways to cope with anxiety, stress and adjusting to the pandemic.

Susan David Emotional Agility Quiz >

Join over 120,000 quiz takers and get your free Emotional Agility report.

Harvard Health: Exercising to relax >

How does exercise reduce stress? Surprising answers to this question and more.

Effective remote working
Fortune – How to be effective when you're presenting remotely > 

This article provides some tips on how to adjust to changed environmental factors that may prevent you from getting your point across when presenting remotely. 

Gartner: Virtual Teaming: 10 Principles for Success > 

This article explains the 10 key principles for virtual-team success.

Leading at a time of crisis
McKinsey: Lead at your best >

This article outlines five simple exercises that can help you recognise, and start to shift, the mind-sets that limit your potential as a leader.

McKinsey: Leadership in a crisis: Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and future challenges >

For many executives, the coronavirus pandemic is a crisis unlike any other in recent times. This article provides five leadership practices that can help you respond effectively.

Ted Talks: How Great Leaders Inspire Action > 

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a  golden circle and the question "Why?".

Centre for Creative Leadership: Communicate with Action and Attitude >

The most important trait for a leader is the ability to communicate effectively. Listen to the podcast from the Centre for Creative Leadership.

Sloan Review: How to be a Better Boss >

No matter how good a workplace a company provides, it may all come to nothing if the employee dislikes his or her immediate manager. Read the article on the Sloan Review.

Resources for children
Oxford Sparks: Bringing Science to Life >

A website for 7 – 11 year olds which brings science to life.

David Walliams: Elevenses with The World of David Walliams > 

Free audio stories by David Walliams. 

Joe Wicks: Online PE class > 

Let the kids burn off some excess energy with Joe Wicks' online PE lessons. He's runs a session every weekday, pledging to "get your kids moving, feeling energised, positive, optimistic".

TedEd@Home >

Sign up to receive a daily newsletter from TED to have a daily newsletter featuring a handful of engaging lessons plans organised by age groups that spans all subjects.

Carol Vordeman: The Maths Factor>

An online resource for children aged 4 – 12 years which focuses on learning maths (matched to the national curriculum).

Jamie Oliver: Get Kids Cooking >

In this blog, Jamie Oliver looks at healthy food for children and how you can get your kids involved with the cooking too. 

Myleene Klass: Myleene's Music Klass >

Myleene Klass uploads free videos teaching your children about music on her YouTube page every weekday.

These links to online resources are provided for your convenience only. The resources themselves, and the websites through which they are made available, belong to independent third parties. Addleshaw Goddard accepts no responsibility or liability in connection with your use of or reliance on the content of the linked resources or any third party website. Providing these links on our website does not imply endorsement by Addleshaw Goddard of the resources or the independent third party providers of the resources.

AG Consulting

Over the past fifteen years, AG Consulting has worked extensively with General Counsel of the world's largest organisations to help them ensure that they're doing the right things, in the right areas and with the right people and skills to drive value both for their function and their wider business. To find out more about our work visit our webpage or speak to one of our dedicated consultants: 

Clara Garfield

Clara Garfield

AG Consulting – Senior Manager

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Greg Bott

Dr Greg Bott

Head of / Director of AG Consulting
London, UK

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