Back in May, we promised a round-up session to follow our 'Keep your distance - how social distancing will impact Scottish Construction sites' webinar.

Six months on, things have changed and continue to change, with consequences for your construction projects. 

Don't miss our market round-up which delves into these changes, offering strategic insight and guidance. See the full agenda below!

Event details

26 November 2020
  • New Regulations and impact on H&S requirements - Lisa McNeill, Addleshaw Goddard
  • Brexit and Immigration changes post 2020 - Robert Phillips, Addleshaw Goddard
  • Impact on contract drafting - Helen Hutcheson, Addleshaw Goddard.
  • Case law update - Peter Clyde, Addleshaw Goddard


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Key Contacts

Anne Struckmeier

Anne Struckmeier

Partner, Construction and Engineering
Edinburgh, UK

View profile
Robert Phillips

Robert Phillips

Legal Director, Employment & Immigration
Aberdeen, UK

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Peter Clyde

Peter Clyde

Partner, Construction and Engineering
Edinburgh, UK

View profile