This month's roundup of developments affecting banks, wealth managers, brokers and funds sees a report from the European Commission on CRA regulation, the PRA publish a policy statement on MiFID II implementation and an updated Q&A on the application of AIFMD.

Read the issue in full

General Developments

  • September statistics published by The Investment Association show mixed asset as the best-selling asset class and global as the best-selling sector
  • Delegated Regulation supplementing PRIIPs Regulation regarding product intervention published
  • GLEIF publishes information on registration agents
  • IFSB publishes exposure draft on guiding principles on disclosure requirements for Islamic capital market products
  • FCA publishes feedback statement for its call for input on regulatory barriers to social investments
  • Compromise proposal on Regulation amending EuVECA Regulation and EuSEF Regulation published by the Presidency of the Council of the EU
  • Report from the European Commission on CRA Regulation
  • FCA thematic review of annuity sales practices
  • Guidance on charity authorised investment funds from the IA
  • 2017 work programme from ESMA
  • FMLC paper on CCPs and clearing member obligations under Companies Act 1989 Part VII
  • BoE consultation on reform of SONIA
  • FCA consultation on proposals to improve transaction costs disclosure in pensions
  • ESMA report on securities financing transactions and leverage in EU

EMIR & Derivatives

  • FCA signs memorandum of understanding with US CFTC
  • Delegated Regulation on ITS on format and frequency of reports to trade repositories adopted by EC
  • Delegated Regulation on RTS on minimum details of data reporting to trade repositories adopted
  • ISDA publishes trends in clearing for small derivatives users
  • ECB publishes results of derivatives market survey findings
  • Delegated Regulation on RTS on risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central party has been adopted by the European Commission


  • HM Treasury responds to consultation on implementation of UCITS V Directive
  • ESMA publishes Remuneration Practice Guidelines under UCITS and AIFMD
  • Q&A on application of UCITS updated by ESMA
  • Updated Q&A on application of AIFMD
  • FSB consultation responses on recommendations to address structural vulnerabilities from asset management

Investments & Investment Services

  • FCA updates MiFID II market data processor system webpage
  • Joint ESMA and EBA guidelines on assessment of suitability of management body and key function holders
  • Policy statement on MiFID II implementation from PRA
  • European Parliament does not object to Regulation supplementing the PRIIPs Regulation regarding product intervention
  • EACB and ESBG call for urgent decision to delay PRIIPs Regulation
  • ESMA publishes Q&A on CFDs and other speculative products
  • ESMA publishes Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR investor protection topics
  • ESMA transaction reporting final guidelines published
  • MiFID II corrigendum published
  • ESMA consultation on MiFID II guidelines relating to trading halts
  • ESMA consultation on guidelines on suitability of management bodies of market operators and data reporting services providers
  • ESMA consultation paper on MiFID II product governance guidelines

Investments & Funds

  • CLLS and Law Society update MAR Q&A
  • ESMA publishes trade reporting instructions under MiFIR
  • Updated Q&A from ESMA on corporate aspects of MAR
  • MAR Q&A updated by ESMA
  • MAR corrigendum published
  • ESMA publishes guidelines on market soundings and delayed disclosure of inside information under MAR

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