Read on for a round-up of news and updates relevant to the construction and engineering industry, including the latest on "expert shopping"; design liability under NEC3; shorter trial scheme and more...

Experts: Try before you buy?

This article summarises how the Courts deal with "expert shopping". Our team looks into the conditional permission to adduce replacement expert evidence as well as the importance of instructing the right expert at the outset.

Read the full article here

Design liability under NEC3

This article explores NEC3's flexibility as to design responsibility, how this differs to other standard form construction contracts and whether design liability is covered by professional indemnity insurance.

Read the full article here

Shorter trial scheme

The Shorter Trials Pilot Scheme (STS) was introduced on 1 October 2015 for claims brought in the Rolls Building Courts. The STS is suitable for cases which do not require extensive disclosure, witness or expert evidence. It is hoped that the STS will provide an attractive option for litigants by facilitating quicker and cheaper proceedings which should last little over a year from the issue of proceedings to the decision.

Read the full article here

Site safety and corporate manslaughter

This article discusses the first sentencing for corporate manslaughter under the new Sentencing Guideline in which a construction company was fined £550,000 for causing the death of a couple.

Read the full article here

Failure to notice could lead to a failed notice

Our team has looked into the significance of contractual notice provisions. This article summarises the risks of failing to comply with notice requirements and gives practical tips on how to comply with notice requirements.

Read the full article here

Nancy McGuire

Nancy McGuire

Partner, Head of Group - Real Estate

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