The November edition of our Transport Update includes the latest developments in: Airports; Aviation; Freight and more... 


Government outlines next steps for delivering Heathrow Airport third runway

The government has launched a consultation on the revised draft Airports National Policy, setting out the next stage of delivering a third runway at Heathrow Airport. The government says it is on track to publish final proposals for expansion in the first half of 2018 for a vote in Parliament.

The consultation closes on 19 December 2017.

Government fund announced to assist airport screening

The government has announced a £3 million fund to support innovative research to develop new ways of detecting explosive devices concealed in electrical items.


Consultation on UK Airspace Policy

The government has published its decision and summary of responses to the consultation on a framework for balanced decisions on the design and use of airspace.

Freight Carriage

Public consultation survey on electronic documents for freight carriage

A European Commission consultation is seeking comments on electronic documents for freight carriage. Consultation closes: 18 January 2018.


Network Rail infrastructure inquiry launched 

The Transport Committee has announced a new inquiry looking at whether the current system of planning and delivering investment in rail infrastructure is adequate as the process for deciding the funding and outputs of Network Rail for the control period 2019-2024 is underway. See our insight for more details.

North set to become first region in country to get new transport powers from government

The draft Sub-national Transport Body (Transport for the North) Regulations 2017 have been laid before Parliament and give new legal powers to give the North a say on how money is spent on transport.

Community rail stations of the future to be shaped by new blueprint

A Department for Transport consultation is seeking views on a new strategy to expand the community rail scheme across England and Wales. It is focused on four themes including:

  • connecting people to places and opportunities
  • supporting communities, diversity and inclusion
  • supporting local and regional economies
  • suggesting innovative ways to improve the way the railway works

The consultation closes on 28 January 2018.

HS2 reveals bidders in race for £2.75 billion trains contract

HS2 Ltd has announced the shortlisted bidders vying to deliver Britain’s next generation of state-of-the-art high speed trains.

Challenges and opportunities facing the UK rail supply chain

Rail Minister Paul Maynard has delivered a keynote speech to the Railway Industry Association conference on challenges and opportunities facing rail supply chain.

Changes to ORR's economic enforcement policy and penalties statement

An Office of Rail and Road report has set out its conclusions on changes to its economic enforcement policy and penalties statement to reflect the Railways (Access, Management & Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2016. 

Road Network

Timetable outlined for £300 million A47 improvements

Details of when six major improvements will be made to the A47 in East Anglia have been announced.

Government invests £350 million improving local roads

A £345.3 million funding package to improve local roads and public transport across the country has been announced by Transport Secretary Chris Grayling.

Key Contacts

Paul Hirst

Paul Hirst

Partner, Global Infrastructure and Co-head of Transport
United Kingdom

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