Welcome to the July 2019 edition of the Addleshaw Goddard Real Estate Finance Update.
In this edition we look at the new non UK resident CGT charge that came into effect in April of this year, examining how it applies to both "direct" and "indirect" real estate disposal transactions and the particular issues that lenders might want to consider in light of its implementation. Click here to read this article.
2019 is proving to be a big year for legal technology as demonstrated, for example, by the recent inaugural Loan Market Association FinTech Conference. So, our in-house Innovation and Legal Technology Team comment on what legal technology means in general terms and then provide a focused look at some key forms of legal tech that have been causing waves recently, namely artificial intelligence and automation. Click here to read this article.
As 2021 approaches we summarise the current position regarding the replacement of LIBOR as a benchmark funding rate and highlight how it is crucial at this stage that consideration is given to the treatment of legacy products, including some thoughts on the issues that lenders may want to take into account. Click here to read this article.
Finally, following on from the article that considered the growth of 'green' financing, which appeared in our last edition of this publication, we take a look at the evolving scope and growth of sustainable financing, how it differs from green financing, what the benefits of being involved in this type of financing might be for lenders and borrowers; and what the future of sustainable financing might look like. Click here to read this article.
We do hope these articles are of interest – do not hesitate to contact any of the team if you would like to discuss or if there are topics which you would like us to address in future editions.
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