Burgh Quay Registration Office Re-Opens for First-Time Registrations.
Further to last week’s decision to temporarily close registration offices pending consideration of revised public health guidance, Immigration Service Delivery (“ISD”) have now provided an update.
The Burgh Quay Registration Office re-opened on Monday 24 August 2020 for first time-registrations. All appointments issued for 24 August 2020, or after, will be honoured.
The National Registration offices operated by An Garda Síochána (for non-Dublin residents) have also re-opened 24 August 2020.
Strict social distancing measures are in place for all appointments taking place on, or issued after, this date in Burgh Quay and registration offices nationwide.
Immigration permission renewals for Dublin residents, which have been processed online since 20 July 2020 at https://inisonline.jahs.ie will continue to be accepted.