The H1 2021 Market Perspective from Key Industry Insiders

The market for sustainability linked loans continued to expand at pace in the first half of 2021.

We recently asked 22 industry insiders for their insight on specific terms of Sustainability Linked Loans. Here's what they told us:

  • margin rachets are currently the sole or primary method of incentivising borrowers
  • downward only rachets are only slightly more prevalent than two-way rachets and
  • where two-way rachets apply, lender retention of any margin increase is currently the most common approach.

These are just some of the key findings and insights the survey revealed on borrower incentives, application or any uplift or discount, use of third party providers and sustainability co-ordinators, publicity and sustainable performance targets.

Explore the Core Topics of the Survey:

Key Contacts

Amanda Gray

Amanda Gray

Partner, Financial Services London. UK

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Lee Shankland-Gort

Lee Shankland-Gort

Partner, Head of Social, Sustainable and Green Finance
United Kingdom

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