This month's update is dominated by the Transport Decarbonisation Plan and the various associated documents.

We list and link to them below so you can easily find and refer to them. Look out for further analysis from AG over the coming weeks as we get to grips with it all.

Air Quality

Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone

A new air quality strategy sets out the Scottish Government's air quality policy framework for the coming five years and a series of actions to deliver further improvements. The strategy includes a section which focuses on transport initiatives, including the National Transport Strategy, Low Emission Zones, active travel and Intelligent Transport Systems.


Jet Zero: A consultation on the strategy for net zero aviation

A Department for Transport (DfT) consultation is seeking views on its proposed approach and principles to reach net zero aviation by 2050. The proposed policies span 5 different measures that aim to: improve the efficiency of the UK's aviation system; accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable aviation fuels; support the development of zero emission flight; ensure the UK uses markets to drive down emissions in the most cost-effective way; and influence the behaviour of consumers. Consultation ends: 8 September 2021.

Consultation: Mandating the use of sustainable aviation fuels in the UK

A DfT consultation on a proposed UK sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) mandate requiring jet fuel suppliers to blend an increasing proportion of SAF into aviation fuel from 2025. Consultation ends: 19 September 2021.

Consultation outcome: Night flight restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports plus future night flight policy

A decision document from the DfT outlines the government's decisions on night flight restrictions between 2022 and 2024 at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports, and future night flight policy. The DfT aims to publish a further consultation some time in 2023 on night flight restrictions post-October 2025.

Inquiry on net zero aviation and shipping

An Environmental Audit Committee inquiry seeks views on the ability of technologies, fuels and operational efficiencies to decrease the aviation and shipping sectors' emissions, and what government action is needed at a national and international level to meet its stated targets. Consultation ends: 3 September 2021.


Consultation: Implementation of Part 3 (bus services) of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019

A consultation by the Scottish Government which aims to aid the design of the implementation framework as set out by the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. The Act covers partnership working, local services franchising, powers for local transport authorities to run their own buses, and improvements to information. 

Cycling & Walking

£338 million funding package announced to further support active travel

The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, announced a £338 million funding package to boost cycling and walking across the country. Infrastructure upgrades, changes to The Highway Code and new requirements to ensure that active travel schemes’ effects are properly assessed are among the measures included in the 'Summer of Cycling and Walking' announcement on 30 July.


Government publishes Transport Decarbonisation Plan: but was it worth the wait?

The Department for Transport (DfT) has published its long-awaited Transport Decarbonisation Plan. The plan sets out the government’s commitments and the actions needed to decarbonise the entire transport system in the UK. In this article for Greener Transport Solutions, Addleshaw Goddard's Paul Hirst discusses the key points of the plan. A summary of the key points for each sub-sector can be found on our website, and the full Transport Decarbonisation Plan from the DfT can be found here.

Review of National Policy Statement for National Networks in light of net zero commitments

The Secretary of State for Transport has announced that a review is to be conducted later in 2021, to be completed no later than spring 2023, in respect of the national policy statement (NPS) for national networks, the strategic plan for major road and rail schemes. The NPS is being reviewed in light of the government’s legal commitment to net zero, the 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution, the new sixth carbon budget and the new policies outlined in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan.

Targeting net zero - next steps for the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation: Government Response

A DfT consultation response outlines how new government policies are expected to deliver additional greenhouse gas emissions savings.

Electric Vehicles

£20 million funding boost announced to help fleet operators convert to battery-electric vehicles

The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced a £20 million funding boost to accelerate the rollout of zero-emission road freight. Trials of battery-operated trucks, funded by the DfT and delivered by Innovate UK, will help to develop innovative solutions to support the uptake of zero-emission vehicles.

Report on Public Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure in Scotland - Opportunities for Growth

A report by Transport Scotland on EV infrastructure sets out context on the current landscape of electric vehicle charging in Scotland, draws out initial considerations for growing opportunities for investment in electric vehicle charging, and highlights opportunities for greater private sector investment and involvement in the short to medium term through partnership approaches with local authorities.

Zero emission vehicles: First Report of Session 2021-22

A Transport Committee report on zero emission vehicles concludes a clear policy framework is essential to ensure that industry can deliver the vehicles and charging infrastructure required. It sets out a number of recommendations to Government to boost the production and purchase of electric vehicles, including work with the National Grid to map national coverage to eradicate "not-spot" areas and identify locations where the Grid will not cope with additional usage.

Final report: Electric vehicle charging market study

A Competition and Markets Authority report, following its market study into electric vehicle charging, sets out measures to ensure a national network of electric vehicle charge points is in place ahead of the 2030 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars.

Electric Vehicle Smart Charging: Government Response

A response from the DfT and Office for Low Emission Vehicles to a consultation on electric vehicle smart charging sets out the Government's policy proposals. 

Transitioning to zero emission cars and vans: 2035 delivery plan

A DfT and Office for Zero Emission Vehicles delivery plan sets out investment and policy initiatives to help meet it phase out dates, including significant milestones and how it will monitor progress in relation to transitioning to zero emission cars and vans by 2035.

Green Paper on a New Road Vehicle CO2 Emissions Regulatory Framework for the United Kingdom

A DfT green paper sets out options for a carbon dioxide (CO2) regulatory framework for all new road vehicles in the UK. Consultation ends: 22 September 2021.

Consultation on phasing out the sale of new, non-zero emission heavy goods vehicles

A DfT consultation seeks views on: when to end the sale of new non-zero emission heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) within the UK; and whether to increase the maximum permissible weights for zero emission and alternatively fuelled HGVs completing domestic journeys. Consultation ends: 3 September 2021.


Automation in ports and terminals: on-demand webinar

Automation in ports and terminals is not a matter of if, but when, and to what degree. Our transportation consultant, Dr. Jo-Ann Pattinson, and the head of our Singapore office, Ton van den Bosch, discuss where we are now, what the future looks like and some of the opportunities that will arise from these developments in the ports sector.

Rail Network

Policy paper: Environmental sustainability on the railway

A policy statement by the Department for Transport sets a clear direction for the rail industry on environmental sustainability issues. It also outlines policy priorities for future sustainable rail strategy, and covers traction decarbonisation, air quality, land use and integrated travel and modal shift, among other things.

Recovery funding for the light rail sector

Light rail operators are set to receive £56 million in financial support to help longer-term viability and self-sustainability as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail: fare reform: Inquiry

The Built Environment Committee has launched an inquiry on the fare reforms proposed by the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail.

Review of Network Rail's access charges

An Office of Rail and Road (ORR) consultation presents initial proposals for incremental reform of Network Rail's access charges. Forming part of part of ORR's periodic review 2023 (PR23) programme, the ORR is reviewing how Network Rail's charging framework may need to change including in light of industry reform. Consultation ends: 24 September 2021.

Road Network

Review of National Policy Statement for National Networks in light of net zero commitments

The Secretary of State for Transport has announced that a review is to be conducted later in 2021, to be completed no later than spring 2023, in respect of the national policy statement (NPS) for national networks, the strategic plan for major road and rail schemes. The NPS is being reviewed in light of the government’s legal commitment to net zero, the 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution, the new sixth carbon budget and the new policies outlined in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan.

Highways England lays out roadmap to net zero by 2050 

Highways England has announced an ambitious new carbon plan that will see it rapidly cut carbon from road construction, maintenance and operations, and support the transition to zero emission vehicles. 


Inquiry on net zero aviation and shipping

An Environmental Audit Committee inquiry seeks views on the ability of technologies, fuels and operational efficiencies to decrease the aviation and shipping sectors' emissions, and what government action is needed at a national and international level to meet its stated targets. Consultation ends: 3 September 2021.


Space Regulations 2021

The government has published three sets of regulations, referred to collectively as “the Space Regulations 2021”, which make provision to enable the licensing and regulation of spaceflight activities, spaceports and range control services in the UK. The regulations are designed to enable UK launches by the early 2020s and promote growth, innovation and sustainability whilst protecting public safety, security and the UK’s international relations. The regulations are the Space Industry Regulations 2021 (SI 2021/792), the Spaceflight Activities (Investigation of Spaceflight Accidents) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021/793), and the Space Industry (Appeals) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021/816).

Key Contacts

Paul Hirst

Paul Hirst

Partner, Global Infrastructure and Co-head of Transport
United Kingdom

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Anna Sweeney

Anna Sweeney

Principal Knowledge Lawyer, Projects & Infrastructure

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