Company Secretary's Annual Reporting Checklist 2022/23

For over 15 years, UK-incorporated, premium listed main market companies have relied on us to help them meet their annual reporting requirements. Company secretarial and governance professionals at over 100 main market listed companies have used our comprehensive Annual Reporting Checklist to help them navigate annual reporting law, regulation and best practice, all delivered in a user-friendly format.

The 2022/23 edition is now available. Key changes and issues covered this year, include: 

  • Focus areas for reporting in light of the deteriorating global economy and geopolitical tensions, including the consideration of evolving risks and their impact on a company's business and its resilience.
  • Requirement to take account of revised TCFD implementing guidance, with regulatory expectations and observations on how to enhance the quality of climate-related disclosures.
  • Opportunities to meet the FCA's new board and senior management diversity reporting requirements on a voluntary basis.
  • FRC's areas of focus to improve governance reporting, with particular emphasis on actions, outcomes and impacts, and the quality of explanations of non-compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code.
  • Opportunities to improve remuneration reporting, including the impact of global economic uncertainty on policy and outcomes.
  • New 'note tagging' requirements for the XHTML Annual Report and opportunities to prepare a better structured report.
  • Considerations for the 2023 AGM, including the relaxation of pre-emption guidance and likely areas of investor scrutiny.


  • SUMMARISES: It summarises the reporting rules with which you must comply this year and highlights the areas on which investors are likely to focus their attention. 
  • REASSURES: It provides assurance to reporting teams and ultimately company boards that all relevant reporting requirements have been addressed. 
  • ENHANCES QUALITY: It draws attention to additional best practice reports and guidance that will help enhance the quality of a listed company’s narrative reporting.

You can purchase a copy using the form on the right hand side. Do not hesitate to give any of the team listed below a call - we would be more than happy to discuss any queries you may have.

Key Contacts

Jaya Gupta

Jaya Gupta

Partner, Corporate Finance
London, UK

View profile
Jonathan Fletcher Rogers

Jonathan Fletcher Rogers

Partner, Employee Incentives
London, UK

View profile
Richard Preston

Richard Preston

Managing Associate, Corporate Finance
London, UK

View profile

Important: Terms of Sale

The issues identified in the "Company Secretary's Checklist – The annual report of a listed company 2022/23" are for information only and their application will depend on individual circumstances and other relevant factors.

The document does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. Providing this document does not create a duty of care between Addleshaw Goddard LLP and the recipient. Nor does this document create a contractual or solicitor-client relationship between any Addleshaw Goddard LLP entity (or any of its partners, employees or agents) and any recipients.

If specific legal advice is required or we can be of further assistance, please contact the person with whom you usually deal at Addleshaw Goddard. 


  • The purchase price is for a soft copy version of the checklist. You will receive this by email. Please allow 24 hours for delivery.
  • Hard copies will be available on request. We anticipate that they will be available in January.

Price: £1,750 (plus VAT)