30 July 2024
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International Arbitration: around the world - July 2024

To The Point
(8 min read)

We offer guidance on how to avoid lengthy proceedings, reduce costs, and regain control over the arbitral process, as well as bringing you a curated selection of pivotal legal decisions from different regions around the world. Each case sheds light on critical aspects of arbitration law, from the enforceability of agreements and the allocation of legal costs to the nuanced considerations of arbitrator impartiality and the right to regulate.

Welcome to the Addleshaw Goddard's July 2024 International Arbitration Group Newsletter

This edition provides a round-up of recent cases from different jurisdictions where we have been acting for clients - aiming to offer practical insights on the most recent news impacting the arbitration community. This newsletter then shares perspectives on how to reduce the costs of the international arbitration process. And it provides links to a recommended selection of our recent publications that offer further perspectives on the world of arbitration. Together, the cases and articles offer critical analysis of issues such as the enforceability of arbitration agreements, conflicts of interest, the enforcement of awards infringing human rights, and confidentiality and transparency in judgments linked to arbitration.

If you would like to get in touch you can email us here.


In this section, we share a selection of pivotal recent legal decisions from locations where our Group acts frequently for clients - Asia, the Middle East, France, UK, Germany and Spain – highlighting both the dynamic interplay of law and arbitration in these key jurisdictions, and offering our takeaway commentary. Please expand any of the regions below to reveal the curated cases.

United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom



Cost effectiveness and efficiency in arbitration

Arbitration is a preferred and valuable tool for resolving international disputes. However, the associated costs and time can sometimes deter parties from pursuing this avenue. Fortunately, there are various strategies for parties to avoid lengthy proceedings, reduce costs, and regain control over the arbitral process.

This article sets out some tools that can be deployed to help ensure that an arbitration is conducted efficiently and cost-effectively.

The Preparation Stage
The First CMC
Bifurcation and Expedited Arbitration
Case Management Tools
Document Management and Document Production


Our International Arbitration Group is a diverse team of specialists around the world, dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

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