This November edition takes a look at the latest developments on trade union reforms following publication of the Employment Rights Bill as well as providing an overview of employment law reforms contained in the Bill. We also have articles on the changes to National Minimum Wage following the Autumn Budget, the new duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and the latest information on Right to Work Checks and the forthcoming Electronic Travel Authorisation scheme plus an insight into non-compete clauses in Ireland. We also include our usual round-up of news, our horizon scanner and information on forthcoming events.
Employment: To The Point
Engaging with your workforce
Although not attracting as much media attention as other aspects of the Employment Rights Bill, it is clear that the Labour Government's commitment to trade union reforms is high up on their agenda. Following the introduction of the ERB, the Government recently published its consultation Making Work Pay: creating a modern framework for industrial relations.
The consultation states that the Government wants people to have a voice at work and let them exercise control over their working lives. Their proposals are intended to update trade union legislation, removing unnecessary restrictions on trade union activity and ensuring industrial relations are based around collaboration, proportionality, accountability, and balancing the interests of workers, businesses and the wider public.
For those employers who currently do not recognise a trade union they may think the proposals may have limited impact upon them. This is not the case, potentially the proposals may have the most significant impact on those employers. This is not the time to ignore the debate. To the contrary, this is the time to review industrial relations practices and engage with your workforce.
Editorial - by Anya Duncan
New powers in a union – industrial relations in the Employment Rights Bill
The Employment Rights Bill proposes wide-ranging reforms to trade union rights. Find out what it means for employers here.
"Once in a generation" overhaul of UK employment law: What employers can expect
We look at the new Employment Rights Bill setting out the first phase of Labour's key employment law reforms. Find out more here.
UK Immigration: Updated guidance on right to work checks - ensuring compliance in your supply chain
A recent Home Office update to the employer's guide to right to work checks contains new requirements for sponsor licence holders and recommendations for businesses. Read about the latest developments here.
UK Immigration: Electronic Travel Authorisations – New requirements for visitors to the UK
The UK Government has provided further details on the rollout of the Electronic Travel Authorisation scheme. We take a look at what we know so far here.
International Update: Navigating non-compete clauses in employment law - Ireland
Recent developments in Ireland and the US highlight to balance required in enforcing non-compete clauses in employment law. We examine the approach taken by the Irish courts and the importance of careful drafting. Find out more here.
Upcoming Events:
Our upcoming Industrial Relations Training event will take place on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 in our London office. Our interactive training session will lead you through a case study looking at the proposed trade union reforms which have been set out in the Employment Rights Bill and our Industrial Relations team will cover all the latest developments and key considerations which may have an impact in your workplace. It promises to be a very popular event and you can find more information and register for the event here.
For our Employment and Immigration Training Calendar 2024 listing all our client training events, please visit our website page here.
What else you should know
- Find out about the latest developments in National Minimum Wage and the new duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace:
For all the latest legislative developments and forthcoming cases in employment law see our latest Horizon Scanner by visiting our website page here.
Related insights
New powers in a union - Industrial relations in the Employment Rights Bill

UK Immigration: Updated guidance on right to work checks - ensuring compliance in your supply chain

"Once-in-a-generation" overhaul of UK employment law: What employers can expect

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