This edition takes a look at the latest developments on employment reforms as we await publication of the Employment Rights Bill. We also have articles on the Supreme Court's judgment on dismissal and re-engagement and what it means for employers as well as a recent case on collective bargaining and unlawful inducement. We examine the latest developments in business immigration including an update on Biometric Residence Permits and what we know so far about the immigration reforms being proposed by the new government. We also include our usual round-up of news, our horizon scanner and information on forthcoming events.
Employment: To The Point
Change and challenges to come
Welcome to this month's edition of Employment To The Point. If you're responsible for Health & Safety, please note this month's cartoon is only for fun, we're not suggesting that's a safe system of work! If you're responsible for HR, then the cartoon is pretty much to scale…. look away now if you don't like change.
We know in broad terms what will be introduced. We just don't know the detail, timings and/or in what order. So, how will some of this stuff work?
Unfair dismissal becomes a day one right but there are reports of that being watered down during an initial six-month probationary period. Well-intentioned no doubt, but does that create the risk of satellite litigation around probationary period dismissals if some process must be followed? Similarly well-intentioned but pretty disastrous - does anyone remember when the last Labour Government thought statutory dismissal and grievance procedures were a good idea?
How do you ban fire and rehire – will the legislation remove an employer's right to give lawful notice to terminate an employment contract in some circumstances? On that topic see a report on the Supreme Court's views in the Tesco/USDAW case below.
Confused? All explained at our series of breakfast seminars this month – invite link below.
Editorial - by Micahel Burns
UK Supreme Court restores injunction preventing fire and re-hire
The Supreme Court has restored the injunction restraining dismissal and re-engagement on revised terms of Tesco employees. Find out what it means for employers here.
Collective bargaining and unlawful inducement – a defence for well-intentioned UK employers
We examine a recent case which shines a light on a possible defence for employers to claims for unlawful inducement under s145B TULRCA. Find out more here.
UK Business Immigration Update: Home Office moves towards eVisas and recommends keeping expired BRP cards
UK Visas and Immigration has just published updated guidance on eVisas. Read about the latest developments here.
UK Business Immigration and the Labour Government – what we know so far?
This article takes a look at the immigration reforms so far and what they will mean for employers. Read about the developments here.
International Update: Cracking the code: UAE Labour Courts explained
Our comprehensive guide to the litigation process in the UAE sheds light on the critical steps employers must take to safeguard their interests. From initial claims to final judgments, this article provides guidance on the court process, the common pitfalls and best practices in the UAE Labour Courts. Find out more here.
What else you should know
Harnessing Generative AI: A Practical Legal Guide - In our practical legal guide to harnessing GenAI solutions we identify some key topics to be thinking about now, the key areas of risk and how to mitigate them. Download a copy here.
For all the latest legislative developments and forthcoming cases in employment law see our latest Horizon Scanner by visiting our website page here.
Upcoming Events:
Our Autumn HR Seminars will be taking place in our Manchester office on Wednesday, 2 October 2024, our London office on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 and our Leeds office on Thursday, 17 October 2024.
We will look at the Labour Government's extensive plans for changes to employment law in more detail and our expert speakers will guide you through what to expect in the short, medium and longer-term and what you can do now to prepare for these changes. It promises to be a very popular event and for more information, please visit the registration pages here for the Manchester event, the London event and the Leeds event.
For our Employment and Immigration Training Calendar 2024/25 listing all our client training events, please visit our website page here.
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