21 August 2024
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FCA enforcement action: asset manager receives a public censure, but no UK fine

To The Point
(6 min read)

On 2 August 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") issued a final notice to H2O AM LLP ("H2O"), in which it imposed a public censure for a series of regulatory failings in relation to certain investments that funds under H2O's management had made between 2015 and 2019.


Significantly, in this case, the FCA decided not to impose a financial penalty on H2O in the UK.  H2O had taken a series of remedial actions following emergence of the issues, including conducting a culture review, amending senior management roles and responsibilities, implementing improvements to its governance, systems and controls (particularly around due diligence in selecting and managing investments), committing funds to compensate certain affected investors, agreeing to waive certain fees for affected investors, and agreeing no longer to conduct regulated activities in the UK within a defined time frame.  Among other matters, the case shows the impact that pro-active remediation of those affected by regulatory issues may have on the overall outcome of FCA enforcement action.


The FCA's findings
Two key points of interest in the FCA's approach

Next steps

AG regularly advises a wide range of financial services firms on regulatory interactions and enforcement investigations. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the authors.

To the Point 

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