Redefining Compliance: Shaping culture, driving change
Research report: How compliance functions can drive growth and integrity, and transform from an enforcer of rules into a strategic business ally
Is a more integrated, value-driven compliance function the key to driving sustainable growth and fostering a culture of integrity? If so, how can leaders help improve the perception around compliance?
Informed by insights from compliance leaders in the UK, France, and Germany, our independent research report Redefining Compliance: shaping culture, driving change, explores the evolving role of compliance in the modern business world, facing increased regulatory demands and technological risks.
The report presents a path to compliance maturity through three stages: Wielding Authority, Changing Minds, and Winning Hearts, with practical initiatives for development at each stage.
Gain insights from leaders on how to develop an integrated approach to compliance to become a value driver that attracts investment, encourages innovation and builds integrity within organisations.
We are partly perceived as internal police, or people simply don’t know what we are there for or what we are doing. Management at the very top do of course know what compliance is and that it’s important, but the further down you go, the more it blurs. We are recognised, but if we don’t come round, no one is angry, either, let’s put it that way.
Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, UK engineering company

Compliance is 90% communication in my eyes, and that’s the lever where you can start your approach.
Group Director, Integrity & Compliance, German travel company

We need to market our own function – and compliance people aren’t marketeers by nature.
Director of Online Compliance, UK gambling company

Strategy trumps compliance. If your strategy is to make money at all costs, then that is the culture, then it's going to trump your compliance efforts.
Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, UK engineering company

When it's all going right and there's not a problem for the business, the attitude is, ‘Why should we invest more money into the compliance function?’ But then when it all goes wrong, there isn't the human resource nor the technical capability to comply.
Director of Online Compliance, UK gambling company

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