25 March 2025
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Driving change in UK Public Transport: The Bus Services (No.2) Bill

To The Point
(5 min read)

The Bus Services (No.2) Bill is currently being driven through Parliament. It aims to make bus franchising open to more local authorities and easier to implement. This Insight pulls out some of the key points in the Bill, which goes beyond just streamlining the franchising process. It also allows local authorities to set up their own new bus companies (which the Bus Services Act 2017 had prevented), gives them more flexibility to design and pay bus operator grants, greater enforcement powers to tackle fare dodgers, and a requirement to switch to zero emission buses from around 2030. Read on for more detail and the benefits and pitfalls these reforms could entail.


Why (No.2)?

When the Labour government came to power in July 2024, one of the measures announced in the King's Speech was a Better Buses Bill. This has now been introduced to Parliament as the Bus Services (No.2) Bill. Why No.2? Because the Liberal Democrat MP for North Shropshire, Helen Morgan, put forward a Private Member's Bill called the Bus Services Bill in November 2024 that would place a duty on the Government to ensure that every town with a population of more than 10,000 people has a regular bus service operating seven days a week and serving local health services. So when the Government introduced its own Bill in the House of Lords a month later, it had to be known as the Bus Services (No.2) Bill.

What the Bus Services (No.2) Bill does

Makes franchising bus services easier
Protects socially necessary local services
Repeals the ban on new municipal bus companies
Allows local authorities to design and pay grants to bus operators
Boosts bus data
Greater enforcement powers…but more standards to stick to
Zero emission buses


The Bill does not end the deregulation of bus services; it just makes the bus franchising process more streamlined for authorities that want to franchise. They don't have to. The franchising process isn't, and still won't be, cheap - so in reality most authorities are probably not going to be able to afford it without additional funding. But for those that do, the ability to directly award the first franchise contracts will be welcome and should make it easier to transition to regulated services.

The ability to set up a municipal bus company potentially gives local authorities greater flexibility and control over local bus services, but will need to be carefully thought through to avoid issues with procurement and subsidy control.

There are also potential hidden costs in the Bill around the safety and accessibility of bus stops. Who will pay for these: the authority or the bus operator? It's not yet clear but there will be guidance.

Next steps

As the Bill progresses through the legislative process, authorities should stay informed of any updates and prepare to adapt their strategies accordingly. The successful implementation of the Bus Services (No.2) Bill's measures will need collaboration, careful planning, and a focus on delivering the best outcomes for passengers and the local community.

Addleshaw Goddard are advising a number of authorities on their bus franchising schemes. If you would like our help please do get in touch.

To the Point 

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