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We regularly publish updates, articles and newsletters that explore how would the Leave vote impact your business and industry.


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24 June 2016

Brexit: A changing legal landscape

We have consolidated into one paper thoughts across various legal disciplines as to the sorts of legal issues your business might face on the UK leaving the EU.

24 June 2016

Leave vote: The impact on the Retail and Consumer sector

From the polls taken before the referendum, it was clear that the majority of UK retail and consumer businesses were in favour of remaining in EU. The consequences of the leave vote will be varied and long lived. So what happens now?

24 June 2016

Back to Blackpool?

Following the Brexit vote, our procurement team have summarised the consequences. Find out what the implications for procurement law will be.

24 June 2016

Leave vote: Good or Bad news for Energy Industry?

From the many polls taken before the referendum it was clear that the majority of energy industry were in favour of remaining in EU. The British public disagreed. So what happens now?

23 June 2016

Brexit Waves and African Shores

What impact would Brexit have on the UK relationships with African countries? Read a view from the lawyers to find out more.