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30 January 2021

Employment Brexit Briefing - January 2021

Read our January edition of the Employment Brexit Briefing

20 January 2021

Infrastructure Projects and Energy - Brexit Briefing

A briefing which sets out the key Brexit-related primary legislation and key information on data protection, energy aspects, transport aspects and subsidy control.

18 January 2021

UK's journey to EU Adequacy Post Brexit - Data Protection Interregnum under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA)

We look first at the nature and implications of the interim data protection regime established by the TCA before considering the merits and challenges for the UK's data protection laws to be granted EU Adequacy.

7 December 2020

Brexit – Implications for EU trade mark owners

The end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, will have important implications for the owners of any EU trade mark registrations. Addleshaw Goddard will continue to assist you in the continued management of your EU trade mark portfo...

Folder - Papers

29 September 2020

Brace for Brexit

“Brace for Brexit “ – that is the message from Tánaiste Leo Varadkar as per the reporting in the Irish Times this week.

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