Over the last couple of years, one particular challenge (and opportunity) has cropped up continuously in our client conversations... how to better manage contracts.
Common questions include: how do I speed up contract turnaround?; how do I reduce leakage?; how can I better manage risk exposure?; how can we free up lawyer time?; how can I put our contract data at my fingertips?; what's the best tech for this?; and what might 'best-practice' CLM look like for my business?
Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) technology can truly revolutionise contract management for companies, but it is only part of the answer. More is required to find a practical and effective way forward - and to prevent time and money mysteriously disappearing from your sea of contracts.
We want companies to avoid getting lost in the CLM Bermuda Triangle.
We recently held a webinar to share some common pitfalls we're seeing and practical points we've learned when it comes to better contract management.
We covered:
- The CLM Bermuda Triangle– questions and challenges we're hearing and seeing
- Key things to think before you start a CLM project
- Why legal should help design contract templates, workflows and users
- What to think about when it comes to technology in the contracting process
- Preparation, pragmatism and lawyer-led design: an approach we stand by for in-house teams