Gun Judge, Head of Resourcing at Addleshaw Goddard and Chair of the Trailblazers Legal Committee, has successfully appealed the Skills Funding Agency's initial solicitor apprentice funding standard, increasing government funding for the new solicitor apprentice programme.

The successful appeal, will see the funding band for firms bringing in solicitor apprentices from 1st May 17, increase from £21,00 to £27,000 – the maximum amount of funds an employer who pays the levy can use towards an individual apprentice.

An additional £2,000 will also be available to employers and providers for younger or disadvantaged apprentices.

Gun Judge, commented: "Following confirmation of the levy from the Skills and Funding Group, I believed that the initial allocated funding band was not sufficient based upon the costs for delivering solicitor apprentices.

"The confirmation of the increased funding, is a really positive sign and will enable firms to utilise apprentices and enhances the alternative to the traditional route into law - opening the doors to a more diverse talent stream entering the profession."

Due to come into force in April 17, the Apprenticeship Levy, will help deliver new apprenticeships and support quality training across the UK and the Trailblazers legal committee standards will for the first-time, enable Higher and Degree apprenticeships to reach level 7 (masters level).

Addleshaw Goddard, recently announced the launch of its new Solicitor Apprenticeship Programme, which offers ambitious individuals an alternative route to becoming fully qualified solicitors, whilst working as part of the firm's innovative Transaction Services Team (TST).