
Andy is an experienced restructuring practitioner with 18 years' experience.  Andy advises on non-contentious restructuring matters, advising a wide range of stakeholders including corporates, lenders, insolvency practitioners, private equity, pension trustees and property receivers.

Andy's work includes advising on restructurings (financial and real estate), insolvency appointments and supply chain risk management, advising a broad range of clients.

Whilst Andy works across all sectors, he has particular experience in retail and consumer, real estate, manufacturing and energy.


Andy's recent experience includes:

  • Advising BDO as administrators of Dave Whelan Sports Limited in relation to the sale of the gym and retail business of DWS to Sports Direct
  • Advising PwC as administrators of Wright Leisure Limited t/a Xercise4Less in relation to the sale of X4L's gym business to JD Gyms
  • Advising a main market listed Plc in relation to a complex financial restructuring of debt and pension scheme obligations
  • Advising Terra Firma and Wyevale Garden Centres in relation to the piecemeal sale of the entire Wyevale business
  • Advising Bestway in relation to the acquisition of Bargain Booze and Wine Rack