Adam has more than 20 years' experience advising on a variety of national and international corporate transactional and advisory work, focusing in particular on IPOs and secondary fundraisings, listed company acquisitions, corporate governance and related listed company transactional and advisory work. His experience also covers a wide range of corporate transaction structures across a number of industries and international markets, from sub-Saharan Africa to Central Asia and the Middle East.
- Team17 Group plc, an independent developer and games label, on its £217 million IPO and admission to trading on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange
- Alpha Financial Markets Consulting plc, a leading global consultancy to the asset and wealth management industry, on its £163 million IPO and admission to trading on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange
- Catalis plc, a leading games developer and publisher in relation to its acquisition by funds managed by NorthEdge Capital, implemented by scheme of arrangement under the Takeover Code.
- MC Mining Limited, an ASX, AIM and JSE listed company operating in South Africa, on a number of transactions, including various capital raisings, a US$100 million strategic investment by a Chinese investor, its takeover offer for Universal Coal and its proposed move from AIM to the Main Market of the LSE
- Imperial Holdings, a South African provider of logistics services, in relation to its acquisition of Palletways, Europe's largest pallet delivery network