Johannes is a German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) and Managing Associate based in Hamburg. His main area of advice is corporate law. He advises and represents clients in M&A transactions, in company and group restructuring, and in corporate legal disputes (both in and out of court), as well as on issues of corporate governance.

He began his career as a lawyer in 2021 at another international commercial law firm before joining Addleshaw Goddard at the beginning of 2023.


His experience includes (representative selection):


  • Valsoft Corporation, Inc. in its acquisition of all shares of German publishing software provider Klopotek AG and its subsidiaries (Lead Associate).
  • Halma PLC in its acquisition of a German manufacturing company (Lead Associate).
  • German energy company on the sale of a data centre site, connections and other data centre assets.

Corporate Reorganisations

  • Valsoft Corporation, Inc. in the corporate restructuring of German portfolio companies (Lead Associate).
  • Danish shipping company in an extensive cross-border corporate group-reorganisation.

Corporate Disputes

  • Advice and representation in several high-stakes shareholder disputes (in and out of court) including out-of-court dispute resolution and mediation.

Johannes Hübner completed his law studies at the University of Bayreuth in 2017 with the 1st State Examination in Law. This was followed in 2020 by the 2nd state law examination at the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court in Schleswig. During his legal traineeship, he worked at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in Bonn alongside various international commercial law firms in Hamburg (in the areas of corporate law and tax criminal law).

Johannes Hübner holds law degrees from the Universities of Bayreuth (Dipl.-Jur. Univ.) and Münster (LL.M.).

Besides his qualification to the German bar as Rechtsanwalt, he has been accredited as a specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law (Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht) in 2024.

  • German
  • English
  • Verweigerung des Informationsverlangens des Alleingesellschafters auf Grundlage einer Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung und Gefährdung der Kontrahierungsfähigkeit der GmbH, Anmerkung zu LG Hannover, Beschluss vom 21.02.2024 – 23 O 4/24 (mit Dr. Nina Leonard), in: jurisPR-HaGesR 11/2024.
  • Keine Entlastungswirkung bei verschleiernder Berichterstattung durch die Geschäftsführung: OLG Potsdam zur sachlichen Reichweite der Entlastung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers und zu Nachforschungspflichten der Gesellschafter, Entscheidungsbesprechung zu OLG Brandenburg, Urteil vom 29.06.2022 – 7 U 60/21, in: EY Corporate Law Newsletter 04/2022.
  • Zur Auslegung des § 40 Abs. 2 Satz 1 GmbHG: Doppelt hält besser?, Entscheidungsbesprechung zu KG, Beschluss vom 08.08.2022 – 22 W 39/22 (mit Franziska Rothe), in: EY Corporate Law Newsletter 04/2022
  • Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg
  • Hanseatic Bar Association