
Martin is the head of the German labour & employment team and advises national and international companies on all aspects of individual and collective employment and labour law. His main practice comprises advising employers in the drafting of employment contracts, including post contractual non-competition clauses, on restructurings and transfer of undertakings as well as on mass redundancies. His expertise includes matters of enforced redundancy and dismissals due to operational reasons, conduct or illness. Martin advises regularly in the context of post transactional labour and employment issues in M&A.

He is also experienced in advising on pension schemes, incentive plans and Employee Stock Options (ESOP). Moreover, his work includes the representation of companies in complex matters that involve German works councils such as reconciliations of interests and social plans, as well as other matters with employee representation bodies, such as negotiating tariff agreements.

Martin has strong experience in advising our international clients on cross border queries, such as assignments and immigration, and works regularly with the firm’s lawyers focused on global mobility for key international clients.

Martin is a specialised attorney for Labour Law and represents employers before labour courts. 

  • Advising an international research institute on all questions of international staff deployment.
  • Advising a US health information technology company in the context and aftermath of a transaction with regard to labour law, reconciliation of interests and social plan negotiations.
  • Employment law advice and legal representation of a supra-regional operator of hospitals, care facilities and medical care centres.
  • Labour law advice to a pan-European food company on co-determination and compliance issues.

Martin studied law at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. After his legal traineeship, including a period abroad in Pasadena, CA, USA, he passed his second state examination at the Higher Regional Court of Munich. He completed his doctorate at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn and the University of Potsdam. After working for several years in employment law boutiques in Reutlingen and Hamburg, he worked for a major US law firm for more than six years before joining Addleshaw Goddard in mid 2019.

  • German - fluent
  • English - fluent
  • Auf sicheren Kanälen (Whistleblo-wing)– Personalwirtschaft 08/2021
  • Arbeitsrecht nach dem Brexit – was Unternehmen wissen müssen – Haufe 04/2021 (Lüderitz/Harrop)
  • Was Corona mit dem Resturlaub macht - Personalwirtschaft 12/2020 (Lüderitz/Sechtem)
  • Kündigungen – Personalanpassungen in Pandemiezeiten, Sonderheft Arbeitsrecht – Personal-wirtschaft 10/2020 (Lüderitz/Peters)
  • Minimal justiert – Änderung des 2. Datenschutz- Anpassungs- und Umsetzungsgesetzes, Personalwirtschaft 1/2020 (Lüderitz/Krampitz)
  • Nicht in Stein gemeißelt – Verfall von Urlaubsansprüchen, Sonderheft Arbeitsrecht - Personalwirtschaft 10/2019 (Lüderitz/Peters)
  • Kommentar zu EuGH v. 6.11.2018 – C684/16 (Kein Verfall von Urlaubsansprüchen), BB 2019, 313
  • Auflösungsantrag und Anforderungen an Einstellungs- und Entlassungskompetenz, DB 2018, 2183
  • Das Annahmeverzugsrisiko des Arbeitgebers, NZA 2011, 313 (Lüderitz/Pawlak)
  • Rückforderung von Vergütung, BB 2010, 2629
  • Führung auf Probe und Führung auf Zeit im Tarifrecht des öffentlichen Dienstes, ZTR 2008, 642 (Lüderitz/Pawlak)
  • Altersdiskriminierung durch Altersgrenzen, Verlag Peter Lang, 2005
  • European Employment Lawyers Association
  • German Bar Association
  • Hanseatic Bar Association
  • German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
  • Martin Lüderitz is one of "Germany’s best lawyers" for Employment Law (Handelsblatt & Best Lawyers, since 2019)