
Uzma is an Associate in the Infrastructure, Projects, and Energy team. Having initially begun her legal career as a regulatory services lawyer, Uzma maintains an interest in providing advice to clients within regulated sectors which includes hydrogen, district heating and electric vehicles and associated infrastructure.

She has advised a variety of clients such as investment managers, developers, electricity companies and commercial customers. Additionally, Uzma supports transport clients and has completed a secondment at a vehicle manufacturing company, where she provided legal assistance to the commercial contracts, and research and development teams. 

Uzma's recent experience includes:

  • A global investment management corporation on the energy network aspect of its multi-million pound equity investment into one of the UK's largest BTR developments. The advice included due diligence on the existing heating and hot water supply arrangements, and the impact that any future regulatory requirements will have on the development.
  • A leading international retailer on the ongoing procurement of its European energy contracts, as well as advising on the cooling and heating supply arrangements in one of its largest domestic stores.
  • A multinational energy company on the agreements underpinning the development of an energy network with a third-party developer, whereby the energy company will offtake heat from the third-party developer and supply its own customers with heating and hot water through its own separate energy network.
  • Various clients on the UK government's hydrogen business model, which involved providing advice on the private law contract that a hydrogen producer would enter into with the government for the receipt of subsidies (the Low Carbon Hydrogen Agreement, LCHA), and advising on the offtake agreement that an end-user would enter into with a hydrogen producer who is a party to the LCHA.
  • the Department of Transport on it's rail contract with Cross Country.
  • Birmingham City University – Law (2016)
  • The University of Law – LPC LLM Professional Legal Practice (2017)