An essential part of any asset protection strategy.

Everyone would prefer to pay less tax if they could legitimately. 'Tax planning' is exactly what it says – planning and reorganising one's affairs in a way that minimises the amount of tax an individual and their family has to pay.

It is worth remembering that tax is only one aspect of a wider asset protection strategy. For most clients, long-term protection, wealth preservation and ensuring the family's best interests are paramount.

Planning asset protection

Tax legislation is more complicated now than it has ever been. Expert advice is often essential and it is necessary to plan well ahead, and to review any chosen strategy regularly, in light of changing legislation and circumstances.

For the wealthiest families, a number of professional advisers have a role to play in their affairs. The best results often come from a cooperative approach and Addleshaw Goddard regularly works with accountants, financial advisers, bankers, surveyors, land agents and other experts in the interests of our mutual clients and their family business.

Implementing asset protection strategies

Once the planning has been carried out, it is essential that strategies are implemented properly and much of our work involves the preparation or variation of wills and trusts as part of a wider tax planning strategy. AG also deals with business restructuring and the transfer of all manner of assets, for similar reasons.

Although tax planning is an essential part of the wealth preservation process, it cannot be viewed in isolation. Paying a little extra tax may sometimes be the best option when viewed in the wider context, but the decision to do so should be made after all alternatives have been explored.

As a firm, we are committed to regional and national businesses and the family interests behind them. The private capital team is part of the AG's market-leading corporate department and we regularly advise ultra- and high-net-worth individuals, families and trusts on significant national and regional business succession and planning opportunities. The ability to offer leading private client and corporate services under one roof differentiates us in the marketplace and makes AG a one-stop shop for the region's most significant families and their business interests.

Key contacts

Meet the team
Pervinder Kaur

Pervinder Kaur

Partner, Head of Private Capital
United Kingdom

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Yorke Eaton

Yorke Eaton

Partner, Private Capital
United Kingdom

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