Uniquely, effective planning and consenting advice requires not only an absolute understanding of the law, but also of a national, regional and local policy context which is constantly evolving.  A well thought-through consenting strategy form the outset can save all parties involved time and money.

We have comprehensive planning expertise across the full extent of planning law and practice across the UK and Ireland with a diverse client roster.

Development and regeneration

We provide effective and efficient advice on:

  • Premium city, greenfield and brownfield / regeneration sites, working closely with our clients, their architects and planning consultants to provide strategic advice and devise a strategy for securing permission
  • EIA requirements, reviewing planning application documents including environmental statement, design and access statement and application plans, as well as the draft committee report to de-risk the application and minimise the prospects of any legal challenge succeeding
  • The financial obligations and opportunities that affect scheme viability including section 106 agreements, mitigation requirements, BNG, section 278 highways agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy
  • Managing public inquiries whether following a planning appeal, call-in or to secure confirmation of a compulsory purchase order
  • Local plan development, waste / mineral strategy and applications 

We have also cemented ourselves as a go to practice on challenges to planning decisions as well as planning enforcement appeals and listed building / conservation matters.  

Infrastructure consenting

We have broad experience in consenting all manner of transport and energy infrastructure across all consenting routes and can successfully navigate Government to produce necessary policy support and regulatory change to provide the correct framework for consents, for example securing National Policy Statements.

We draft and promote development consent orders (DCOs), Transport and Works Act Orders and harbour orders as well as advising parties affected by such applications.  In this specialist area, we advise on correct consultation, EIA and habitats requirements, BNG, highways and rights of way, compulsory purchase and planning obligations (section 106) agreements, objector management and we appear at public inquiries and examinations.  Key clients include major transport and energy network owners and operators.  

We also act for major infrastructure asset owners to protect their assets in relation to applications by third parties, for example advising airports in relation to nearby windfarm developments or securing agreements with the DfT and HS2 Limited regarding impacts on airport sites from the proposals for HS2.

We routinely advise on the extent of permitted development rights for network operators, airports, ports and other infrastructure.

We have a legislative drafting capability and have experience of securing amendments to existing legislation to allow for consenting of novel types of transport infrastructure. Visit our Legislative and Government Affairs page to find out more >

Key contact

Meet the team
Marnix Elsenaar

Marnix Elsenaar

Partner, Head of Planning and Infrastructure Consenting
United Kingdom

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Build to Rent Report 2019

Britain's Quality Rental Market:
How has the BTR market evolved? We discuss the new emphasis on service delivery and how the planning system finally recognises that BTR is different from build for sale.

Download the report