AG's Data Protection team provide regular webinars on all topics relating to data protection in an ever evolving space.
Here are just some of the topics now available to watch on-demand:
- Managing workforce data in the EU – An EU and German Perspective
- Top Tips when Determining Processing Roles
- International Data Transfers Post Schrems II: New Rules, New Challenges & Brexit Implications
- Data Broking and Marketing: Confusion or clarity following recent ICO
- Lessons learnt from recent ICO fines
- Data Disputes: The Field of Play
- Top Tips When Handling Data Subject Access Requests
- Privacy Risk 2020 New Perspectives
- Cookies & Adtech in 2020
- Brexit and Data Protection Update
- AI and Privacy: Compliance Nightmare or Business as Usual?
- Freedom of Information Laws Explained
- The New EU Standard Contractual Clauses: What's Next?
- Monitoring during COVID-19
- GDPR 2 Years on - what have we seen?
- The Future of AI Regulation in Europe and the UK
- Data and the Digital Economy – Spring 2021 Update
- The New EU Standard Contractual Clauses: Who, What, Where and When?
- Data: New currency for consumers and businesses – Protecting and maximising the commercial value of personal data
- The latest trends on data protection enforcement in the EU
- Data Transfers Enforcement - Trends and Implications
- A Closer Look at the ICO's Clearview AI Fine
- Data Reforms Announced in the UK
- Latest Developments in Managing Subject Access Requests
- Data Privacy in Europe
- The META Decision