Before 1 September 2025, all businesses will need to understand the impact of the incoming failure to prevent fraud (FTPF) offence (introduced last year under the Economic Crime and Transparency Act 2023 (ECCTA)). While the offence only applies to large organisations, smaller businesses may be associates; triggering potential liability for their larger counterparts.
We have developed a toolkit to aid business leaders in assessing how to better support their teams to meet required standards, reducing the risk of their businesses facing criminal liability for the offence.
Achieving a holistic approach to compliance
Our multi-purpose toolkit to help you pivot to the new standards, includes:
- Interpreting the statutory guidance: What additional guardrails, exclusions and limitations are in the guidance? Find out more here >
- Actionable next steps: What steps can you proactively take now to build on existing economic compliance frameworks? Find out more here >
Applying the guidance to your business
We have also developed a series of sector and fact-specific scenarios including learning points and illustrative outcomes; providing food for thought. Please reach out to your usual AG contact or one of the key contacts if you would like to find out more.
Want to know more?
We're here to help you navigate these changes with confidence; our failure to prevent fraud toolkit summarises the guidance and provides you with a detailed analysis and proactive steps to take to get ready for implementation.
If you would like a conversation on how this will affect you and your business specifically, please reach out to one of our key contacts.
Download your toolkit